Recording is available for the public upon request.
Please email cte@nmhu.edu to request access to the training video.
Thursday, Jan 12
10:00 – 10:50 AM: DACA/DREAM Zone Training
Presenter: Eric Romero, PhD, Andres Esquivel, and Aileen Martinez
Description: This interactive training will clarify current federal and state legislation regarding immigrant student rights and resources. Discussion and collaboration with workshop participants will identify institutional, programmatic, and classroom strategies to promote safe space opportunity for immigrant students regardless of status.
Presentation: NM DACA Dream Team
Location: Center for Teaching Excellence, STEC 102 and Zoom (See NMHU Portal for link)
Recording is available to NMHU employees: DACE/DREAM Zone Training
11:00 – 11:50 AM: Introduction to IRB
Presenter: Lara Heflin, PhD
Description: This session will provide an overview of what constitutes human subjects research that needs IRB approval, as well as describing different types of IRB research/reviews (exempt, expedited, and full IRB review). It will show participants how to access the CITI human subjects research training and will provide time for participants to ask practical questions about the IRB approval process.
Location: Center for Teaching Excellence, STEC 102 and Zoom (See NMHU Portal for link)
Recording is available to NMHU employees: Introduction to IRB
1:00 – 1:50 PM: Digital Approaches to Writing Feedback: Macros and Video Comments
Presenter: Amanda May, PhD
Description: This 50-minute workshop continues the writing center’s ongoing efforts to provide faculty with more effective approaches to leaving writing feedback by focusing on approaches to leaving feedback digitally using two tools: the comment feature in Microsoft Word’s desktop application and the audio and video feedback tools in Brightspace. While we will touch on the approaches to leaving feedback geared towards helping writers improve, the main focus will be on how these approaches can be implemented and integrated into already existing pedagogies.
During the first part of the workshop, attendees will be asked to describe their current approaches to leaving feedback with a focus on what tools they’re using and what comments typically look like. From there, I will demo and explain the comment feature in Microsoft Word and explain my approaches to creating macros, or frequently used comments housed in a Word document or other accessible format that can simply be copied and pasted. Workshop participants will then be asked to reflect on what common issues in writing come up and will work collaboratively to develop macros addressing those issues.
The final part of the workshop will introduce the video feedback tool housed in Brightspace. In addition to being more personable and helpful especially for online/asynchronous classes, video feedback can be useful in its conversation, oral, and visual forms and can thus be more engaging for the student. If time allows, participants will practice giving “video” feedback in real time.
Location: NMHU Writing Center and Zoom (See NMHU Portal for link)
Recording is available to NMHU employees: Digital Approach to Writing
2:00 – 2:50 PM: SmartBoard Basics
Presenter: Benjamin Villarreal, EdD
Description: This workshop will demonstrate the basic uses of classroom SmartBoards and tricks to troubleshoot glitches.
Location: NMHU Douglas Hall 204 and Zoom (See NMHU Portal for link)
Recording is available to NMHU employees: Smartboard Basics
Friday, Jan 13
10:00 – 10:50 AM: Creating a Dossier
Presenter: Kathy Jenkins, PhD
Description: In this workshop you will learn how to create a narrative dossier that represent your professional career and tips to succeed at the institution.
Location: NMHU Student Union Building 321 and Zoom (See NMHU Portal for link)
Recording is available to NMHU employees: Creating a Dossier
11:00 – 11:50 AM: Becoming HSIs Reading Group Plan
Description: Learn about the recommendations and brainstorming the Becoming Hispanic-Serving Institutions Reading Group collected for thinking about what it means to “serve” our students.
Location: NMHU Student Union Building 321 and Zoom (See NMHU Portal for link)
Recording is available to NMHU employees: Becoming HSI Reading Group Plan
12:00 – 12:50 PM: CTE Social Event
All are invited to join the Center for Teaching Excellence for lite refreshments and celebration of a new semester.
Location: NMHU Student Union Building 321 and Zoom (See NMHU Portal for link)
1:00 – 1:50 PM: Spring Programming Working Group Info Session
Description: Learn about the CTE’s Spring Programming plans and beyond!
Location: NMHU Student Union Building 321 and Zoom (See NMHU Portal for link)
Recording is available to NMHU employees: Spring Programming
2:00 – 2:50 PM: Summer HIPs Roundtable
Description: Hear from participants in the HIPs Summer Institute on Diversity/Global Learning and how the institute has shaped their instruction this year.
Location: NMHU Student Union Building 321 and Zoom (See NMHU Portal for link)
Recording is available to NMHU employees: Summer HIPS