The Brightspace Bootcamp is reschedule for January 16, 17 & 18 online. To more information and to register visit:
Wednesday, Jan 10
Transgender Resources Center of NM
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Location: STEC Center for Teaching Excellence, room 102 and Zoom: See NMHU Portal or Global for Link
Description: A follow up training from the August 11 Professional Development Days.
Thursday, Jan 11
Creating a Dossier
Time: 11:00 – 11:50 AM
Location: STEC Center for Teaching Excellence, room 102 and Zoom: See NMHU Portal or Global for Link
Description: In this workshop you will learn how to create a narrative dossier that represents your professional career and tips to succeed at the institution.
Degree Audit
Time: 3:00 – 3:50 PM
Location: STEC Center for Teaching Excellence, room 102 and Zoom: See NMHU Portal or Global for Link
Description: The New Face of Degree Audit: Join this session to learn the basics about the newly upgraded system Degree Audit/Degree Works system. It looks new and many things seem to have changed but don’t worry the Office of the Registrar is here to help subside your worries and uncertainty. We will cover new aspects of the Degree Audit/Degree Works system to help you better understand the new functionality and to help you better serve your students.
Friday, Jan 19
Writing Workshop
Time: 10:00 – 10:50 AM
Location: STEC Center for Teaching Excellence, room 102 and Zoom: See NMHU Portal or Global for Link
Description: Sponsored by ARMAS and the CTE this workshop funded by the CAMINOS grant will cover developing writing assignments
Time: 11:00 – 11:50 AM
Location: STEC Center for Teaching Excellence, room 102 and Zoom: See NMHU Portal or Global for Link
Description: Workflow – Wait There is a Workflow for That: Join this session to learn the new Incomplete Grade Work-flow system and how it will be used effective Spring 2024 for faculty assigning an Incomplete Grade. This work-flow will replace the current paper process we had to revert to once we migrated to Banner Cloud. We look forward to re-introducing the workflow process for Incomplete Grades that was lost during the migration last year. We hope you will be just as excited to use the product as we are to re-launch it to the faculty.
The Center for Teaching Excellence serves the New Mexico Highlands University community by providing programming, resources and support for quality teaching and advising, and for the assessment of effective student learning.
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The center works in collaboration with existing professional development opportunities such as ARMAS and the Learning Communities to maximize resources and expand reach to more faculty. The primary goal is to help teachers help students be more successful. Teachers receiving training include faculty, adjuncts, GTAs and staff who teach. Booking Appointments with the CTE at
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Phone: 505-426-2215