Please join the School of Education and the Center for Teaching Excellence as we host our esteemed colleague Dr. Tinaz Pavri, a member of the ASIANetwork, for an Enhancing Asian Studies Forum on February 27, 2023
ASIANetwork, the leading organization for the teaching and promotion of Asian Studies in colleges and universities, is dedicated to the spread of the study of Asia, especially to underrepresented institutions. Dr. Tinaz Pavri is a member of the Enhancing East Asia project and works with interested institutions to see how faculty interest in Asia, regardless of country, region or specific issues, can be furthered. She has visited Tennessee State University and Huston Tillotson University to explore ways in which Asia can be represented on their campuses. The study of Asia can be achieved in many ways and may not always result in a program or major/minor, but rather simply infused into the existing curriculum and interests of the institution. ASIANetwork provides opportunities for member organizations to apply for faculty and student programs in and about Asia. Tinaz Pavri is Division Chair for Social Sciences and Education at Spelman College and Founding Director of the Asian Studies Program. She is a professor in the department of Political Science. Her research and publication interests lie in the area of security studies and conflict resolution, questions of national identity and globalization in South Asia. She has published numerous articles, book chapters and a co-edited book on these and other topics. Her book Bombay in the Age of Disco: City, Community, Life, was published in 2015. She has served as President of the Georgia Political Science Association (GPSA) and is their 2015 recipient of the Donald T. Wells award for outstanding service. A recipient of Spelman’s Presidential awards for Scholarship and Service, she directs its $1.2m grant project, the Career Pathways Initiative.