2023 Fall Professional Development Days: Wednesday, August 9

Matanza photo by Leon Bustos, Director of Health Education and Wellness

8:00 – 8:30 AM

Campus Tour
Attendance: ALL New Faculty are Invited
Presenter: NMHU Recruitment & Admissions
Location: Student Union Building, Lobby
* A campus tour for any new faculty who would like to join.

8:30 – 9:00 AM

Attendance: New Faculty and New Staff Orientation
Location: Student Union Building, 321 & 322

9:00 – 9:05 AM

Land Acknowledgment Statement
Attendance: New Faculty and New Staff
Presenter: Member of the President’s Council on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (PC DEI)
Location: Student Union Building, 321 & 322

9:05 – 9:30 AM

New Faculty & Staff Welcome and Announcements
Attendance: New Faculty and New Staff Orientation
Presenter: Roxanne Gonzales, EdD, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Rodney Rock, EdD, Faculty Senate Chair
Location: Student Union Building, 321 & 322
This session will review all important information for those new to New Mexico Highlands University.

9:30 – 12:00 PM

HU Resources Parade
Attendance: New Faculty and New Staff
Presenters: Kathy Jenkins, PhD; Kimberly Blea, PhD; Leon Bustos, MA; Camille Bohannon-Sweitzer, LMSW; April Kent, MA; David Lepre, and Benjamin Villarreal, EdD.
Location: Student Union Building, 321 & 322

9:30 – 10:00 AM: NMHU Faculty Association – Orientation for New Faculty.

10:00 – 10:15 AM: Library Resources – To present an overview of services and collections.

10:15 – 10:45 AM: Student Affairs & HU CARES – To present an overview of services and programming.

10:45 – 11:15 AM: ACCESS – Introduction to the services provided for students.

11:15 – 11:30 AM: University Relations – To present an overview of the responsibility for external and internal communications for New Mexico Highlands University.

11:30 – 11:45 AM: Human Resources – To present an overview of resources, policies, and answer questions about specific things afterwards for individuals.

11:45– 12:00 PM: New Faculty Resources & Center for Teaching Excellence – To present an overview of services and upcoming programming.

12:00 – 1:00 PM

Lunch Break 
Title: New Faculty Reception
Location: Student Union Building, Faculty Lounge

1:00 – 2:50 PM

Information Services On-Boarding Training
Attendance: Required for all New Faculty and Staff, open to all
Presenters: Information Technology Services, Instructional Designers, Registrar, and HR
Location: Student Union Building, Purple Pub

This On-Boarding session is available for drop-in as needed to discuss topics with Information Technology Services, Registrar, Instructional Designer, and HR to support your needs as a new
employee. ITS Staff and Instructional Designer will be available to provide one-on-one assistance with Banner, Brightspace, Zoom, Office 365, and other online resources. HR Staff will support new faculty with question and concerns about contracts and benefits.