Advising and Class Preparation
11:00 – 11:50 AM
Attendance: Faculty, incoming freshmen, and transfer students
Presenter[s]: Sam Minner, President, PhD, Roxanne Gonzales, EdD, Kimberly Blea, PhD, Leon Bustos, MA, and Board of Regent Member
Description: Convocation officially welcomes incoming freshmen and transfer students to the New Mexico Highlands University family marking the beginning of a student’s academic career. The event this year is being held on Zoom to honor the State of New Mexico’s social distancing requirements. Our short ceremony will include welcome remarks from the President, Provost, the Dean of Students, and a Student Speaker, among others . The University community will share reflections to students about what they may expect during their time at Highlands, gain a sense of identity and what it means to be a Cowboy or Cowgirl, and begin to form a relationship with the Highlands family.
Zoom link: https://nmhu.zoom.us/j/93690247457
Moderator[s]: Veronica Black, MFA and ITS Crew